What a tournament!
The 65th Annual All Native Basketball Tournament ended a few days ago, and it was such an exciting week!
The opening ceremonies on February 9th were full of energy and an excellent way to kick off one of the biggest highlights of the year. The gym was full of speakers, drummers, players, and enthusiastic supporters. Did you miss any of the action? You can re-watch the ceremonies here.
The Gitga'at community showed up in full force, cheering on the two Hartley Bay teams in the crowd or streaming the games in the community.
Hartley Bay's Intermediate team's first game was against Kitkatla, and it was a close one. However, the opposing team won with a final score of 74-70. The HB team played Kitamaat next, which ended in a Gitga'at win. Unfortunately, the knockout game against Bella Coola ended the Hartley Bay team's run this year. No matter the outcome, the Hartley Bay Intermediate team played with heart and had fun. The community had a blast watching them play.
The Hartley Bay Senior Men's team came to play. They won in their first game against Bella Coola, ending it at 120-59. Their winning streak continued in their next match against Hazelton. In game three, the team went up against Burnaby, which ended in a loss. Next came the knockout round against Hazelton. The crowd went wild when the Hartley Bay team brought home the win. The next knockout round against Kitkatla ended the HB team's run, but cheering them on was a big highlight of this year's tournament.
Revisit your favourite moments from this year's ANBT by listening to replays of CFNR recordings of the games and tournament events.