Indian Boarding Homes Class Action Settlement Backgrounder The Indian Boarding Homes Class Action Settlement is another step towards reconciliation between the Government of Canada and Indigenous peoples. It acknowledges and compensates First Nations and Inuit children harmed during their placement in private boarding homes as part of the Indian Boarding Homes Program.
History of the Indian Boarding Homes Program
The Indian Boarding Homes program was created by the Government of Canada in the 1950s during the deconstruction of the Indian Residential Schools system. The program involved placing children from First Nations communities and Inuit villages in private homes for the purpose of attending elementary and secondary school. The boarding homes program continued to operate into the early 1990s. As alleged in the class action, the Indian Boarding Homes program created an environment where children were abused, harassed, and suffered other harms. The prolonged absence from family and community also resulted in a loss of culture, language, and community bonding.
Background on the Class Action Settlement
The Class Action Settlement was a result of two lawsuits filed in Quebec and Canada's Federal Court. The Settlement Agreement terms were approved in December 2023. The terms of the Settlement include the following:
Class Members who are eligible to file for compensation are Individuals placed in private homes as a result of the Indian Boarding Homes Program between September 1, 1951, and June 30, 1992. Individuals placed after June 30, 1992, may also be eligible if Canada was still responsible for their placement in the private home.
Individuals that were placed in these private homes who are no longer living are still eligible for compensation if they died on or after July 24, 20216. Representatives of the deceased individuals can claim compensation on their behalf.
The Settlement offers compensation based on the below structure:
Individuals that were placed in a private home because of the in Indian Boarding Homes Program are entitled to a single payment of $10,000.
The same individuals are also entitled to apply for additional compensation amounts based on the extent of harm experienced, ranging from $1 0,000 -
$200,000 CAD. Harms suffered can include physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. An additional $50 million has been allocated as part of the Settlement, to create a foundation promoting and supporting Class Members and their descendants in healing, wellness, education, languages, culture, heritage, commemoration, and reconciliation activities.
Settlement Procedures
Before the settlement process can begin, the federal court has ordered an initial 60-day Opt-Out Period. This allows Class Members to withdraw from the class action to sue Canada on their own for their placement in the Indian Boarding Homes Program. The OptOut deadline is July 22, 2024, which will then be immediately followed by a 30-day Appeals Period. The deadline to appeal is August 21, 2024.
The claims process will begin on August 21, 2024. Class Members will have two and a half years to submit their claims.
The appointed Claims Administrator has provided resources to support class members and claimants with the claims process including call centers:
• English: 1-888-499-1144
• French: 1-888-499-1155
The call centers will be open Monday to Friday, 9 AM - 7 PM EST. Information will also be posted to the class action website at
The role of the Claims Administrator is to act as an impartial third party. It works with all stakeholders involved in the class action.
For this Class Action, the Claims Administrator is committed to providing culturally safe and trauma-aware services.